




城南二哥2024-08-14 14:25:29防紫外线面料资讯42来源:防紫外线布_防紫外线面料网
  • 靛蓝青年布:Indigo chambray
  • 人棉布植绒:Rayon cloth flocking
  • PVC植绒:PVC flocking
  • 针织布植绒:Knitting cloth flocking
  • 珠粒绒:Claimond veins
  • 倒毛:Down pile making
  • 平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain)
  • 仿麂皮:Micro suede
  • 牛仔皮植绒:Jeans flocking
  • 尼丝纺:Nylon taffeta (Nylon shioze)
  • 尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:Nylon seersucker taffeta
  • 素面植绒:plain flocking
  • 印花植绒:flocking(flower)
  • 雕印植绒:Embossing flocking
  • 皮革沟底植绒:Leather imitation flocking
  • 牛仔植绒雕印:Embossing jeans flocking
  • 兔羊绒大衣呢:Angora cachmere overcoating
  • 双面呢:double-faced woolen goods羊毛
  • 立绒呢:cut velvet
  • 顺毛呢:over coating
  • 粗花呢:costume tweed
  • 弹力呢:lycra woolen goods
  • 塔丝绒: Nylon taslon
  • 塔丝绒格子:N/Taslon ripstop
  • 桃皮绒:polyester peach skin
  • 涤塔夫:polyester taffeta
  • 春亚纺:polyester pongee
  • 超细麦克布:Micro fiber
  • 锦棉稠(平纹):Nylon-cotton fabric (plain)
  • 重平锦棉稠:Nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft)
  • 人字锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric
  • 斜纹锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric (twill)
  • 素色天鹅绒:solid velvet
  • 抽条磨毛天鹅绒:Rib fleece velvet
  • 雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet
  • 轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet
  • 粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet
  • 麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric
  • 麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric
  • 素色毛巾布:solid terry
  • 蚂蚁布:fleece in one side
  • 素色卫衣布:solid fleece
  • 鱼网布:fleece
  • 彩条汗布:color-stripes single jersey
  • T/R弹力布:T/R bengaline
  • T/C色织格子布:T/C solid check fabric
  • 弹力仿麂皮:Micro suede with spandex
  • T/R仿麂皮:T/R Micro suede
  • 仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece
  • 仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric
  • 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur
  • 蜡光缎:cire satine
  • 全消光尼丝纺:Full dull nylon taffeta
  • 半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta
  • 亮光尼龙:Trilobal nylon
  • 全消光塔丝隆:Full dull nylon taslan
  • 全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford
  • 尼龙格:Nylon rip-stop
  • 塔丝隆格:Taslan rip-stop
  • 哑富迪:Full dull Micro polyester pongee
  • 全消光春亚纺:Full dull polyester pongee
  • 春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop
  • 全消光涤纶桃皮绒:Full dull polyester peach
  • 宽斜纹桃皮绒:Big twill polyester peach
  • 涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach
  • 涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop
  • 涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan
  • 全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:Full dull poly textured oxford
  • 涤锦交织桃皮绒:Nylon/polyester inter-woven peach
  • 棉织物:cotton fabric
  • 平纹织物:plain cloth
  • 斜纹织物:twill cloth
  • 缎纹织物:satin and sateen cloth
  • 纯纺织物:pure yarn fabric
  • 混纺织物:blended fabric
  • 混并织物:mixture
  • 交织织物:mixed fabric
  • 服装用织物:dress fabric
  • 装饰用织物:furnishing fabric
  • 产业用织物:technical fabric
  • 平布:plain cloth
  • 粗平布:coarse sheeting
  • 中平布:plain cloth
  • 细平布:fine plain
  • 粘纤平布:viscose plain cloth
  • 富纤平布:polynosic plain cloth
  • 粘/棉平布:viscose/cotton plain cloth
  • 粘/维平布:viscose/vinylon plain cloth
  • 涤/棉平布:t/c plain cloth
  • 涤/粘平布:polyestere/viscose plain cloth
  • 棉/丙平布:cotton/polypropylene plain cloth
  • 棉/维平布:c/v plain cloth
  • 细纺:cambric
  • 涤/棉细纺:t/c cambric
  • 府绸:poplin
  • 纱府绸:poplinette
  • 线府绸:thready poplin
  • 涤/棉府绸:t/c poplin
  • 棉/维府绸:c/v poplin
  • 麻纱:hair cords
  • 柳条麻纱:striped hair cords
  • 异经麻纱:end-and-end hair cords
  • 提花麻纱:figured hair cords
  • 罗布:leno-like cloth
  • 罗缎:bengaline,tussores
  • 巴厘纱:voile
  • 麦尔纱:mull
  • 防绒布:down-proof fabric
  • 双经布:double ends fabric
  • 双纬布:double weft fabric
  • 蓝白花布:indigo print
  • 纱斜纹:single drill
  • 线斜纹:thready drill
  • 粗斜纹:coarse drill
  • 细斜纹:jean
  • 哔叽:serge
  • 纱哔叽:single serge
  • 粘胶哔叽:viscose serge
  • 华达呢:gabercord
  • 纱华达呢:single gabercord
  • 线华达呢:thready gabercord
  • 卡其:khaki drill
  • 单面卡其:one-sided drill
  • 双面卡其:reversible drill
  • 纱卡其:single drill
  • 线卡其:thready drill
  • 人字卡其:pointed drill
  • 缎纹卡其:whipcord
  • 涤/棉卡其:t/c drill
  • 直贡:twilled satin
  • 纱直贡:single twilled satin
  • 羽绸:satinet
  • 线直贡:thready twilled satin
  • 横贡:sateen
  • 绒布:flannelette
  • 单面绒布:irreversible flannelette
  • 双面绒布:both-side raised flannelette
  • 斜纹绒布:twilled fustian,flannel twills
  • 厚绒布:heavy flannelette
  • 灯芯绒:corduroy
  • 粗条灯芯绒:spacious waled corduroy
  • 中条灯芯绒:mid-wale corduroy
  • 细条灯芯绒:pinwale corduroy
  • 特细条灯芯绒:ultra-fine corduroy
  • 提花灯芯绒:figured corduroy
  • 弹力灯芯绒:elastic corduroy
  • 棉/涤灯芯绒:t/c corduroy
  • 仿平绒:velveteen-like fabric
  • 烂花仿平绒:etched-out velveteen-like fabric
  • 平绒:velvet and velveteen
  • 纱罗织物:leno and gauze
  • 牛津布:oxford
  • 竹节布:slubbed fabric
  • 结子布:knop fabric
  • 提花布:figured cloth
  • 提格布:checks
  • 绉布:crepe
  • 皱纹布:creppella
  • 泡泡纱:seersucker
  • 轧纹布:embossing cloth
  • 折绉布:wrinkle fabric
  • 水洗布:washer wrinkle fabric
  • 稀密条织物:thick and thin striped fabric
  • 经条呢:warp stripeed fabric
  • 华夫格:walf checks
  • 巴拿马:panama
  • 服装衬布:pading cloth
  • 树脂衬布:resin padding cloth
  • 热熔粘合衬布:hot-melt adhesive padding cloth
  • 黑炭衬:hair interlining
  • 马尾衬:hair cloth
  • 粘纤织物:spun rayon fabric
  • 富纤织物:polynosic fabric
  • 氨纶弹力织物:spandex stretch fabric
  • 中长化纤织物:midfibre fabric
  • 纬长丝织物:weft filament mixed fabric
  • 纬长丝大提花仿绸织物:silk-like fabric jacquard
  • 仿麂皮织物:suede fabric
  • 仿麻布:linen type cloth
  • 合纤长丝仿麻布:polyster linen type filament fabric
  • 低弹涤纶丝仿毛织物:wool-like fabric with true-ran low-elastic yarn
  • 凉爽呢:wool-like fabric
  • 雪尼儿织物:chenille fabric
  • 柔道运动服织物:fabric of judo wear
  • 医药用纱布:medical gauze
  • 尿布:diaper
  • 烂花布:etched-out fabric
  • 全包芯纱烂花布:composite yarn etched-out fabric
  • 混纺纱烂花布;blended yarn etched-out fabric
  • 帆布:canvas
  • 遮盖帆布:canvas of cover
  • 橡胶帆布:rubber canvas
  • 鞋用帆布:plimsoll duck
  • 百页布:baiye fabric
  • 滤布:filtration fabric
  • 印花衬布:printing blanket
  • 圆筒布:tubular fabric
  • 43-3丙纶长丝滤布:polypropylene filament filtration fabric
  • 729-涤纶大圆筒滤布:polyester tubular filtration fabric
  • 318锦纶布:318 polyamide fabric
  • 锦纶布:601 polyamide fabric
  • 伞布:umbrella cloth
  • 砂皮布:abrasive cloth
  • 玻璃纤纬织物:glass-fibre fabric
  • 土工模袋布:fabricform
  • 标准贴衬织物:standard adjacent fabric
  • 家具布:upholstery fabric
  • 窗帘布:window blind fabric
  • 贴墙布:wall cloth
  • 粘晴大提花装饰织物:r.a jacquard ornamental fabric
  • 漂白织物:bleached fabric
  • 染色织物:dyed fabrics
  • 印花织物:printed fabric
  • 拒水整理织物:water repellent fanish fabric
  • 拒油整理织物:oil-repellent finish fabric
  • 阻燃整理织物:flame retardant finish fabric
  • 预缩整理织物:shrunk finish fabric
  • 防皱整理织物:crease resistant finish fabric
  • 柔软电整理织物:antistatic finish fabric
  • 易去污整理织物:soil release finish fabric
  • 减量整理织物:deweighting finish fabric
  • 增重整理织物:weighted finish fabric
  • 液氨整理织物:liquid ammonia finish fabric
  • 电光整理织物:schreiner finish fabric
  • 轧光整理织物:calender finish fabric
  • 涂层整理织物:coated finish fabric
  • 轧纹整理织物:gauffered finish fabric
  • 磨绒整理织物:sanded finish fabric
  • 防蛀整理织物:moth proof finish fabric
  • 防毡缩整理织物:antifelting finish fabric